Hello… yawn… yawn.
Sorry, you’ll have to excuse me,
but these dog days of summer when the weather is
hot it is such a perfect time to snooze.
y..a..W..N, now where was I?
Sorry, you’ll have to excuse me,
but these dog days of summer when the weather is
hot it is such a perfect time to snooze.
y..a..W..N, now where was I?
Oh yes. It is time for me to update you on the latest happenings of my doggy life. Sorry if I’m running late, but then I certainly am not in any hurry to do anything now-a-days. The dog days of summer- did you notice that even a season of the year is named for us dogs?- is my most favorite time of the year when a dog can sleep the day away.
As you can see from my latest picture I can go to sleep in just about any position, but I don’t want to get ahead of my story. During these dog days of summer I spend most of the day taking doggy naps even though I get to stay in the air conditioned house while the other big dogs outside hide under the porch to stay cool and sleep. Everything is slow an easy around here that is except for Mamma- my Mistress.
Like I said before my mamma is real fussy about her house. Especially when it comes to fleas my mamma gets really uptight. The way my mamma battles fleas you’ve not seen anything like it in all your born days. Between you and me, I have to admit that fleas are
nasty little critters that makes a dog itch and scratch.
Each day during the summer at least once, sometimes twice, my mamma will call me and I run and hop up onto the bed. That’s when my mamma really goes to work. She brushes and combs each inch of my fur checking out each crevice and crack in search of fleas. As soon as she spies one she’ll nab it and drown it in a small bowl of soapy water. She doesn’t just comb me just one time mind you, but maybe three or four times rolling me from side to side. And if the fleas are bad my mamma will grunt and groan making all sorts of huffing and puffing sounds as she works.
I’ve learned to just relax and let her work me over. Between combing out my fur and rubbing my tummy every little bit, I get a complete doggy massage. And if she pulls my fur my mamma always apologizes. By the time my mamma is done searching for fleas, I don’t have any itchy spots and I’m completely relaxed. In fact my mamma says that I sometimes sleep so soundly as she works me over that I snore. I was sound asleep when she took this picture of me.
Talk about having a snoozy good doggy time! All a dog has to do to get a great body massage is get some fleas in their fur and have a Mistress like my mamma. Am I luck or what?
Well now it’s time for another doggy nap. YAWN. See you later-
Lucy Lou
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