I'm finally back again after a long summer snooze. It seemed like every time I turned around my Mistress was taking the Master to the doctor or hospital. I tell you I was starting to get quite bored and lonely as I always stay indoors whenever my Mistress is gone. I'm not about to be outside when I needed inside to guard this house. Nobody is going to come in and bother things when my Mistress is gone. I'm the big brave guard dog- of course it helps to know that the big dogs are outside and any intruder has to go through them first. But you don't want to mess around with me. I can make all kinds of noise and my growl is rather fierce, even if I do say so myself.
The other week the oldest dog, Sandy, was put to sleep and buried in the back yard. It was a sad time for my Mistress as Sandy was ancient having been around for sixteen years. All we dogs were careful not to run Sandy over when she'd hobble off the back porch as she was real slow. Don't tell anyone, but Sandy made messes where no self respecting dog would like right on the porch, but nobody scolded her as she couldn't help it.
Meanwhile I have Lady to pal around with and play with. She and I are good friends. Lady will lie down and wrestle with me, although her large size doesn't intimidate me in the least. I just bark and jump around on my back two feet to get her attention whenever I want to expend some energy that has been pent up inside my furry body for too long.
Well I'll mosey along now and see if anything interesting is happening outside. Just because I'm an indoor dog doesn't mean that I don't keep up with what goes on around this place.
See you later,
Lucy Lou
1 comment:
I totally agree.
Sometimes I feel like I need a bit of a reminder of how good certain things really are.
I also think it is easier to be glum and look at the negative--it is a bit harder to be helpful, happy, and useful. We actually have to DO something
Glad you came to visit, hope you come back and add to the conversation :)
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